Index of values

abstraction [Term]
abstraction v tm is \v. tm.
add [Dl_number.T]
Numberic addition.
add [Index.Set]
add s e adds element e to the set s in (amortized) constant time.
add [Index.Map]
add m k x modifies m by mapping the index of k to x.
add [Bunch]
Add an element to a bunch.
add [Bihashtbl.S]
add b k e adds an entry mapping k to e to b.
add_balanced [Bunch]
Add an element to a bunch.
add_clause [Dpll_core]
Adds the clause (disjunction of literals) to the solver.
add_interface_literal [Cc_core]
add_interface_literal s (x, y) records an interest in the literals x = y and x != y.
add_interface_variable [Dpll_core]
add_interface_variables s v treats the variable v and its negation as interface literals.
add_literal [Dl_core.T]
Add an interface literal to the solver.
application [Term]
The application of the given terms.
application [Smtlib_syntax]
Application of a named function to a list of arguments.
application_argument [Term]
The argument in an application.
application_function [Term]
The function in an application.
arity [Symbol]
arity s is the arity declared for s.
arity [Constant]
Arity of a constant.
assumptions [Smtlib_attribute]
A list of all the assumptions in a collection of attributes.

backjump [Dpll_core]
Resolve a conflict by backjumping to undo conflicting assignments from the current partial model.
backjump [Cc_core]
Backjumps to the given level.
backjump_possible [Dpll_core]
Might a backjump be used to resolve a conflict?
backtrack [Dl_core.T]
Backtrack to the given decision level.
beta_normal_form [Term]
The term obtained by reducing all beta-redexes in a term.
binary_application [Term]
binary_application f x y is equivalent to application (application f x) y.
bool_of_ternary [Ternary]
bool_of_ternary t is the boolean corresponding to a known ternary t.

classify [Option]
Classify a value by placing it in an option.
clear [Vec]
clear v removes all elements from v.
clear [Priority_queue]
Removes all elements from the queue.
clear [Index.Set]
Makes the set empty in (amortized) constant time.
clear [Bihashtbl.S]
Remove all entries from a hash table.
compact_print_term [Term]
Compactly print a term using std_formatter.
compare [Variable]
An arbitrary ordering on variables.
compare [Util.ComparedType]
An arbitrary order on values.
compare [Symbol]
An arbitrary ordering on symbols.
compare [Id.T]
compare x y is an arbitrary order for x and y
compare [Dl_number.T]
Comparison of numbers.
compare [Constant]
An arbitrary ordering on constants.
compose [Function]
Function composition.
conditional [Term_logic.Constructor]
Conditional expression: Boolean condition, and Boolean alternatives.
conditional [Term_constant]
Logical if-then-else.
conditional [Symbol.Primitive]
conflict_clause [Cc_core]
An explanation for a conflict.
conflict_detected [Dpll_core]
Has the solver deduced that the current (partial) model cannot be (extended to) a satisfying variable assignment?
conflict_detected [Dl_core.T]
Has a conflict been detected in the solver?
conflict_detected [Cc_core]
Has a conflict been detected in the current solver state?
conjunction [Ternary]
Conjunction of ternary values.
conjunction [Term_logic.Constructor]
Conjunction of two terms.
conjunction [Term_constant]
Logical conjunction.
conjunction [Symbol.Primitive]
connection [Smtlib_syntax]
Application of a named logical connective to a list of arguments.
constant [Term]
A constant.
constant [Smtlib_syntax]
A symbolic constant.
constant [Function]
Constant function.
constant_value [Term]
constant_value t is the value of a constant.
copy [Vec]
copy v is a copy of v; the elements are shared by v and the copy.
copy [Index.Map]
A copy of the map.
copy [Bihashtbl.S]
A copy of the given hash table.
count [List_util]
count p l is the number of elements in l for which p holds.
count [Id.Generator]
The number of identifiers produced by this generator.
couple [Bunch]
A bunch with the two elements provided.
create [Vec]
Synonym for Vec.make.
create [Union_find.S]
A new union-find data structure.
create [Priority_queue]
create c is a new priority queue, where the priority among elements is defined by the comparison function c.
create [Index.PriorityQueue]
An empty queue.
create [Index.Set]
Create an empty set in constant time.
create [Index.Map2]
create n m creates a new, empty map.
create [Index.Map]
create x is a new, empty map.
create [Bihashtbl.S]
create n is a new, empty bijective hash table with capacity for n entries.
curry [Function]
Curries a function.

decide [Dpll_core]
Makes an arbitrary assignment to an unassigned variable.
decision_level [Dpll_core]
The number of variables assigned arbitrarily by Dpll_core.decide in the current solver state.
decision_level [Dl_core.T]
The decision level of the solver.
decision_level [Cc_core]
Decision level of the solver.
decision_possible [Dpll_core]
Might further arbitrary variable assignment decisions be attempted?
declare [Symbol]
declare n a declares a new symbol with the name n and arity a which is interpreted by some theory.
declare_constant [Smtlib_syntax]
declare_constant c declares a function symbol.
declare_predicate [Smtlib_syntax]
declare_predicate p declares a predicate symbol.
declare_uninterpreted [Symbol]
like declare, but for an uninterpreted symbol
default [Option]
The value contained in an option, or a default if there is none.
delete [Vec]
delete v i removes the element at position i of v, pulling elements above down by 1.
dequeue [Index.PriorityQueue]
dequeue q removes the highest priority element from q.
difference [Term_logic.Constructor]
Logical dis-equivalence of two (Boolean) terms.
difference [Term_constant]
Exclusive or.
difference [Symbol.Primitive]
disjunction [Ternary]
Disjunction of ternary values.
disjunction [Term_logic.Constructor]
Disjunction of two terms.
disjunction [Term_constant]
Logical disjunction.
disjunction [Symbol.Primitive]
divide [Term_constant]
Arithmetic division.
divide [Symbol.Primitive]
drop [Index.PriorityQueue]
drop q removes the highest priority element from q.

empty [Bunch]
An empty bunch.
enqueue [Index.PriorityQueue]
enqueue q e enqueues the element e.
epoch [Time]
Dawn of processor time.
epsilon [Dl_number.T]
A small number.
equal [Variable]
Are two variables equal?
equal [Util.ComparedType]
Are two values equal?
equal [Symbol]
Are two symbols equal?
equal [Id.T]
Are two identifiers equal?
equal [Dl_number.T]
Are the numbers equal? .
equal [Dl_core.L]
Are the two literals equal?
equal [Constant]
Are two constants equal?
equal [Cc_literal]
equal l m literals l and m equal (understands that equality and disequality are commutative)?
equality [Term_logic.Constructor]
Equality of two non-Boolean terms.
equality [Term_constant]
equality [Symbol.Primitive]
equivalence [Term_logic.Constructor]
Logical equivalence of two (Boolean) terms.
equivalence [Term_constant]
Logical equivalence.
equivalence [Symbol.Primitive]
equivalent [Union_find.S]
Are the two elements equivalent?
exists [Vec]
exists p v holds if some element of v satisfies p.
exists [Subarray]
exists p a i j is true when there is a k in the range i...
exists [Bunch]
exists p b is true if p x holds for any x in b.
exists [Array_util]
exists p a is true when there is some x in a p x.
exists_const [Vec]
exists p x v is Vec.exists (p x) v, but faster since applying closures is slow.
exists_const [Subarray]
exists_const p x a i j is the same as Subarray.exists (p x) a i j, only faster because applying closures is slow.
exists_const [Array_util]
exists_const p x a is the same as Array_util.exists (p x) a, only faster because applying closures is slow.
exists_unique [List_util]
exists_unique p l holds when p for exactly one element of l.
explain [Dl_core.T]
Clause explaining the propagated literal.
explain_conflict [Dl_core.T]
Conflict clause.
explode [Util.String]
explode "abc..." is ['a';'b';'c';...].

falsity [Ternary]
false value.
falsity [Term_constant]
Logical false.
falsity [Symbol.Primitive]
fast_filter [Vec]
Like Vec.filter, but does not preserve the order of elements.
fast_filter_const [Vec]
fast_filter_const p x v is Vec.fast_filter (p x) v, only faster since applying closures is slow.
filter [Vec]
filter p v removes those elements of v not satisfying p
filter [Option]
Filter the value in an option.
filter [Bunch]
filter p b is a bunch containing all elements of b that satisfy predicate b.
filter_const [Vec]
filter_const p x v is Vec.filter (p x) v, only faster since applying closures is slow.
filter_const [Bunch]
filter_const p c b is Bunch.filter (p c) b, only faster since applying closures is slow.
filteri [Vec]
Like Vec.filter, but the predicate takes the index of the element as the first argument.
filteri_const [Vec]
filteri_const p x v is Vec.filteri (p x) v, only faster since applying closures is slow.
final_check [Cc_core]
Determine consistency before we declare satisfiability.
find [Vec]
find p v is the first element of v satisfying p.
find [Symbol]
find n is the symbol declared with name n.
find [Index.Map2]
find m i j is the element m maps i and j to.
find [Index.Map]
find m k is the mapping for the index of k in m.
find [Bihashtbl.S]
find b k is the element to which k is mapped by b.
find_const [Vec]
find_const p x v is Vec.find (p x) v, but faster since applying closures is slow.
find_index [List_util]
find_index p l is the index of the first element in l that satisfies p.
find_inv [Bihashtbl.S]
find_inv b e is the key that b maps to e.
first [Vec]
first p v is the index of the first element of v satisfying p.
first [Subarray]
first p v is the index of the first element of a in the range i...
first_const [Vec]
first_const p x v is Vec.first (p x) v, but faster since applying closures is slow.
first_const [Subarray]
first_const p x a i j is the same as Subarray.first (p x) a i j, only faster because applying closures is slow.
fix [Function]
Computes the fix-point for the function transformer.
flatten [Option]
Flatten a doubly optional value.
flip [Function]
Flips the order of the first two argument.
fold [Index.Set]
fold f a s applies f to an accumulated value and each element in the set s.
fold [Index.Map]
fold f a m applies f to an accumulated value and each key-value pair in the mapping m.
fold [Id.Generator]
Fold over all identifiers produced by the generator.
fold [Bunch]
fold f a b folds f over every element of b using a as an initial value.
fold [Bihashtbl.S]
fold f b a is (f kN eN ... (f k1 e1 a) ... ), where b is a collection of entries {(k1,e1) ... (kN,eN)} ordered with respect to Bihashtbl.S.key.
fold_const [Index.Set]
fold_const f x a s is Index.Set.fold (f x) a s, only faster since applying closures is slow.
fold_const [Index.Map]
fold_const f x a m is Index.Map.fold (f x) a m, only faster since applying closures is slow.
fold_left [Vec]
fold_left f l v computes f (... (f (f l (Vec.get v i)) (Vec.get v (i+1)) ...) (Vec.get v (Vec.length v - 1)).
fold_left [Util.String]
fold f a "ijk...z" is f (... (f (f a 'i') 'j') ...) 'z'.
fold_left [Subarray]
fold_left f l a i j computes f (... (f (f l a.(i)) a.(i+1)) ...) a.(j-1).
fold_left_const [Vec]
fold_left_const f x l v is Vec.fold_left (f x) l v, only faster since applying closures is slow.
fold_left_const [Subarray]
fold_left_const f x l a i j is Subarray.fold_left (f x) l a i j, only faster since applying closures is slow.
fold_right [Vec]
fold_right f v r computes f (Vec.get v i) (... (f (Vec.get v (j-2)) (f (Vec.get v (Vec.length v - 1)) r)) ...)
fold_right [Util.String]
fold_right f "ijk...z" a is f 'i' (f 'j' (... (f 'z' a) ...)).
fold_right [Subarray]
fold_right f a i j r computes f a.(i) (... (f a.(j-2) (f a.(j-1) r)) ...)
fold_right_const [Vec]
fold_right_const f x v r is Vec.fold_right (f x) v r, only faster since applying closures is slow.
fold_right_const [Subarray]
fold_right_const f x a i j r is Subarray.fold_right (f x) a i j r, only faster since applying closures is slow.
foldi_left [Vec]
fold_lefti f l v computes f (... (f (f l i (Vec.get v i)) (i+1) (Vec.get v (i+1))) ...) (j-1) (Vec.get v (Vec.length v - 1)).
foldi_left [Subarray]
fold_lefti f l a i j computes f (... (f (f l i a.(i)) (i+1) a.(i+1)) ...) (j-1) a.(j-1).
foldi_left_const [Vec]
fold_lefti f x l v is Vec.foldi_left (f x) l v, only faster since applying closures is slow.
foldi_left_const [Subarray]
fold_lefti f x l a i j is Subarray.foldi_left (f x) l a i j, only faster since applying closures is slow.
foldi_right [Vec]
foldi_right f v r computes f i (Vec.get v i) (... (f (j-2) (Vec.get v (j-2)) (f (j-1) (Vec.get v (Vec.length v - 1)) r)) ...)
foldi_right [Subarray]
foldi_right f a i j r computes f i a.(i) (... (f (j-2) a.(j-2) (f (j-1) a.(j-1) r)) ...)
foldi_right_const [Vec]
foldi_right_const f x v r is Vec.foldi_right (f x) v r, only faster since applying closures is slow.
foldi_right_const [Subarray]
foldi_right_const f x a i j r is Subarray.foldi_right (f x) a i j r, only faster since applying closures is slow.
for_all [Vec]
all p v holds if every element of v satisfies p.
for_all [Subarray]
for_all p a i j is true when for every k in the range i...
for_all [Bunch]
for_all p b is true if p x holds for every x in b.
for_all [Array_util]
for_all p a is true when for every x in a p x.
for_all_const [Vec]
for_all_const p x v is Vec.for_all (p x) v, but faster since applying closures is slow.
for_all_const [Subarray]
for_all_const p x a i j is the same as Subarray.for_all (p x) a i j, only faster because applying closures is slow.
for_all_const [Array_util]
for_all_const p x a is the same as Array_util.for_all (p x) a, only faster because applying closures is slow.
forget_some_learned_clauses [Dpll_core]
Forget some clauses learned by the solver though conflict analysis.
formula [Smtlib_attribute]
Formula attribute value from a collection of attributes.
free_variables [Term]
The free variables of a term.
fresh [Variable]
A fresh variable.
fresh [Id.Generator]
An identifier not previously produced by the generator.
fresh_variable [Dpll_core]
Fresh variable in the given solver.
fresh_variable [Dl_core.T]
A fresh variable for the solver.
fresh_variable [Cc_core]
A fresh variable in the given solver.

get [Vec]
get v i is the ith element v.
get_lemma [Dl_core.T]
Get a lemma from the solver.
get_lemma [Cc_core]
Choose an inferred lemma that has not been chosen before.
get_lemma_possible [Dl_core.T]
Does the solver have a lemma to propagate?
get_lemma_possible [Cc_core]
Are there any lemmas waiting to be dispatched?
get_literal [Dpll_core]
Choose an interface literal assigned true in the current partial model that has not been chosen since it was assigned.
get_literal [Dl_core.T]
Get a literal from the solver.
get_literal [Cc_core]
Choose an inferred interface literal that has not been chosen before.
get_literal_possible [Dpll_core]
Is there an interface literal in the current partial model that has not been dispatched by Dpll_core.get_literal since it was assigned?
get_literal_possible [Dl_core.T]
Does the solver have a literal to propagate?
get_literal_possible [Cc_core]
Are there any inferred interface literals waiting to be dispatched?
greater [Term_constant]
Greater-than relation.
greater [Symbol.Primitive]
greater_or_equal [Term_constant]
Greater-than-or-equal relation.
greater_or_equal [Symbol.Primitive]
grow [Vec]
grow v n x grows the size of v to n, filling in the newly created slots with x.
grow_init [Vec]
grow_init v n f grows the size of v to n, filling in each newly created slots i with f i.

hash [Variable]
Hash code of a variable.
hash [Util.ComparedType]
Hash code of a value.
hash [Symbol]
Hash code of a symbol.
hash [Id.T]
hash x is the hash code for x
hash [Dl_number.T]
Hash value for number.
hash [Dl_core.L]
Hash function for literals.
hash [Constant]
Hash code of a constant.
head [Index.PriorityQueue]
head q is the highest priority element of q.

identity [Function]
The identity function.
imbalance [Bunch]
The worst imbalance in the internal tree representation of a bunch.
implication [Term_logic.Constructor]
Implication of two terms.
implication [Term_constant]
Logical implication.
implication [Symbol.Primitive]
implode [Util.String]
implode ['a';'b';'c';...] is "abc...".
inc_priority [Index.PriorityQueue]
inc_priority q e x adds x to the priority of element e.
increment_level [Dl_core.T]
Increment the decision level of the solver.
increment_level [Cc_core]
Increment decision_level.
index [Index.IndexedType]
Indexing function for objects of type t.
infer [Dpll_core]
Attempt to infer a unit propagation or a conflict.
infer [Dl_core.T]
Attempt to make some inferences.
infer [Cc_core]
Attempt to make inferences from currently assigned literals.
inference_possible [Dpll_core]
Might an inference be made?
inference_possible [Dl_core.T]
Might the solver attempt to make an inference?
inference_possible [Cc_core]
Might an inference be made?
init [Vec]
init n f is a vector with length n.
initialize [Smtlib_parser]
initialize smtlib tokenizer theory_parser logic_parser benchmark_parser initializes the combined smtlib file parser.
initialized [Smtlib_parser]
Has the parser been initialized?
insert [Vec]
insert v i x inserts x into position i of v, pushing elements at position i and above up by 1.
insert [Priority_queue]
insert q e inserts element e into the priority queue q, if it is not already a member.
integer [Smtlib_syntax]
integer i is an integer constant with value i.
integer [Constant]
Arbitrary precision integer constant.
integer_constant [Term]
Integer constant.
integer_value [Term]
integer_value t is the value of an integer constant.
integer_value [Constant]
integer_value c is the integer value of c.
interpreted [Symbol]
invalid [Id.T]
A distinguished invalid identifier, useful for dummy values.
invalid_literal [Cc_literal]
An invalid literal.
inverse [Index.IndexedType]
inverse i is the x such that index x = i.
is_abstraction [Term]
Is a term an abstraction?
is_application [Term]
Is a term an application?
is_boolean_constant [Term_constant]
is_constant [Term]
Is the term a constant?
is_decided [Dpll_core]
Has the literal been assigned by arbitrary decision?
is_empty [Vec]
is_empty v holds if and only if Vec.length v = 0.
is_empty [Priority_queue]
is_empty q holds if and only if the queue q is empty.
is_empty [Index.PriorityQueue]
is_empty q is true iff there are no elements enqueued in q.
is_empty [Index.Set]
Is a set empty?
is_empty [Index.Map]
is_empty m holds if the map is empty.
is_empty [Bunch]
Is a bunch empty?
is_inferred [Dpll_core]
Has the literal been inferred by unit propagation?
is_inferred [Cc_core]
Can the solver produce an explanation for a literal?
is_integer [Constant]
Is a constant an integer value?
is_integer_constant [Term]
Is a term an integer constant.
is_interface_variable [Dpll_core]
Is the variable an interface_variable?
is_literal [Term_literal]
Holds when a term is a variable or the negation of a variable.
is_logical_constant [Term_constant]
is_none [Option]
Does an option contain no value?
is_number [Dl_number.T]
Does the term represent a number?
is_positive [Term_literal]
is_positive l holds if the literal term t is positive.
is_positive [Dpll_literal]
is_positive l is true when l is a literal positive.
is_rational [Constant]
Is a constant a rational value
is_rational_constant [Term]
Is a term a rational constant.
is_representative [Union_find.S]
Is the element the representative for its class?
is_some [Option]
Does an option contain a value?
is_symbolic [Constant]
Is a constant symbolic?.
is_symbolic_constant [Term]
Is a term a symbolic constant.
is_true [Dpll_core]
Is the literal assigned true?
is_true [Dl_core.T]
Is the literal true in the current state of the solver?
is_true [Cc_core]
Is the literal assigned true in the solver state?
is_valid [Id.T]
Is an identifier valid?
is_valid_literal [Cc_literal]
Is a literal valid.
is_variable [Term]
Is the term a variable?
ite [Term_logic.Constructor]
Conditional expression: Boolean condition, non-Boolean alternatives.
ite [Term_constant]
ite [Symbol.Primitive]
iter [Vec]
iter c v evaluates c on each element of v.
iter [Subarray]
iter c a i j evaluates c a.(k) for each k in the range i...
iter [Index.Set]
iter c s applies c to all elements of s.
iter [Index.Map]
iter f m applies f to all mappings in m.
iter [Id.Generator]
Iterate over all identifiers produced by the generator.
iter [Bunch]
iter f b evaluates f on all the elements of b.
iter [Bihashtbl.S]
iter c t applies c to every entry in b.
iter_const [Vec]
iter_const c x v is Vec.iter (c x) v, only faster since applying closures is slow.
iter_const [Subarray]
iter_const c x a i j is Subarray.iter (c x) a i j, only faster because applying closures is slow.
iter_const [Index.Set]
iter_const c x s is Index.Set.iter (c x) s, only faster since applying closures is slow.
iter_const [Index.Map]
iter_const f x m is Index.Map.iter (f x) m, only faster since applying closures is slow.
iter_const [Bunch]
iter_const f c b is Bunch.iter (f c) b, only faster since applying closures is slow.
iter_pairwise [List_util]
iter_pairwise f l applies f to all pairs (a,b) such that a occurs in l and b occurs after a in l.
iteri [Vec]
Like Vec.iter, but the command takes the index of the element as the first argument
iteri [Subarray]
iter c a i j evaluates c k a.(k) for each k in the range i...
iteri_const [Vec]
iteri_const c x v is Vec.iteri (c x) v, only faster since applying closures is slow.
iteri_const [Subarray]
iteri_const c x a i j is Subarray.iteri (c x) a i j, only faster because applying closures is slow.

join [Bunch]
The constant time union of two bunches.

k [Term_constant]
Constant function constructor.
k [Symbol.Primitive]

length [Vec]
length v is the number of elements in v.
length [Index.PriorityQueue]
length q is the number of elements in the queue.
length [Bihashtbl.S]
Number of entries in a bijective hash table.
less [Term_constant]
Less-than relation.
less [Symbol.Primitive]
less_or_equal [Term_constant]
Less-than-or-equal relation.
less_or_equal [Symbol.Primitive]
level [Dpll_core]
The decision level at which a literal was assigned.
limit [Vec]
Maximum number of elements possible in this vector.
limit_for [Vec]
limit_for x is the maximum number of elements of the same type as x that may be stored in a vector.
literal [Term_literal]
literal v is the positive literal term with variable v.
literal [Dpll_literal]
literal v is the positive literal corresponding to variable v.
literal_explanation [Cc_core]
An explanation clause for an assigned interface literal.
literal_to_explain [Dpll_core]
Returns the next conflict literal to explain for conflict resolution.
local_flet [Smtlib_syntax]
Local binding of a formula variable.
local_let [Smtlib_syntax]
Local binding of an expression variable.
log [Variable]
log level c is equivalent to Log.log level pp_print c
log [Log]
Log.log print level x outputs x using print, if level <= current log level
log [Dl_number.T]
Output the number to the log.
log [Constant]
log level c is equivalent to Log.log level pp_print c
log_bool [Log]
Log.log_bool level b logs b, if level <= current log level
log_float [Log]
Log.log_float level j logs j, if level <= current log level
log_flush [Log]
Log.log_flush level () flushes the log output, if level <= current log level
log_int [Log]
Log.log_int level i logs i, if level <= current log level
log_newline [Log]
Log.log_newline level () outputs a new line and flushes the log output, if level <= current log level
log_string [Log]
Log.log_string level s logs s, if level <= current log level
log_term [Term]
log_term level tm is equivalent to Log.log level pp_print_term tm
log_time [Log]
Log.log_time level t logs seconds of processor time since t, if level <= current log level
logic [Smtlib_attribute]
The logic attribute of a collection of attributes.

make [Vec]
make n x is a vector of length n, with each element equal to x.
map [Option]
Map a function over the value in an option.
map [Bunch]
map f a maps every element of a using f.
mem [Vec]
mem x v holds if x is an element of v.
mem [Subarray]
mem x a i j is true when there is a k in the range i...
mem [Index.PriorityQueue]
mem q e is true iff e is enqueued in q.
mem [Index.Set]
Determine whether element is a member of the set in constant time.
mem [Index.Map2]
mem m i j if m maps the keys i and j to some value.
mem [Index.Map]
mem m k is true iff there is a mapping for index k in m, i.e.
mem [Bihashtbl.S]
mem b k holds when there is an entry for k in b.
mem [Array_util]
mem x a is true when x is an element of a
mem_inv [Bihashtbl.S]
mem_inv b e holds when an entry in b maps some key to e.
members [Union_find.S]
members s x is the bunch of all elements in the class of x.
minus [Term_constant]
Arithmetic subtraction.
minus [Symbol.Primitive]
mk_array [Term_constant]
Array constants
mk_array [Symbol.Primitive]
model [Dpll_core]
A model satisfying the problem.
modify [Vec]
modify f v replaces each element of v with f of that element.
modify [Subarray]
modify f a i j sets a.(k) to f a.(k) for each k in the range i...
modify [Index.Map]
modify f m modifies a map so that each index maps to f of its prior value.
modify_const [Vec]
modify_const f x v is Vec.modify (f x) v, only faster since applying closures is slow.
modify_const [Subarray]
modify_const f x a i j is Subarray.modify (f x) a i j, only faster because applying closures is slow.
modify_const [Index.Map]
modify_const f x v is modify (f x) v, only faster since applying closures is slow.

name [Smtlib_attribute]
The name attribute of a collection of attributes.
name_declared [Symbol]
name_declared n is true when a symbol has been declared with name n.
named [Variable]
named n variable with the name n.
nary_abstraction [Term]
nary_abstraction [v0, ... ,vn] tm is \v0. ... \
nary_application [Term]
nary_application f args is equivalent to List.fold_left application f args.
nary_application_decomposition [Term]
Decompose a term to yield a function and a list of arguments.
negation [Ternary]
Negation of a ternary.
negation [Term_logic.Constructor]
Negation of a term.
negation [Term_literal]
Negation of a term literal.
negation [Term_constant]
Logical negation.
negation [Symbol.Primitive]
negation [Dpll_literal]
negation l is the negation of literal l.
negation [Dl_core.T]
The negation of the literal.
negation [Cc_literal]
negation l is the nation of l.
new_generator [Id.Generator]
A new fresh identifier generator.
new_solver [Dpll_core]
New DPLL solver.
new_solver [Dl_core.T]
A new solver for difference logic over nums.
new_solver [Cc_core]
A new solver.
now [Time]
Current processor time.
num_clauses [Dpll_core]
Number of added clauses that are tracked in current state.
num_conflicts [Dpll_core]
Number of conflicts encountered.
num_decisions [Dpll_core]
Number of arbitrary variable assignment ever tried.
num_externally_set [Dpll_core]
Number of variable assignments ever made by Dpll_core.set_literal.
num_inferences [Dpll_core]
Number of variable assignment ever made by unit propagation.
num_learneds [Dpll_core]
Number of clauses learned through conflict analysis in current state.
num_vars [Dpll_core]
Number of variables created.
number [Dl_number.T]
The number represented by term.

of_array [Vec]
of_array a is a vector with the elements of a.
of_list [Vec]
of_list l is a vector of the elements of l in their positional order.
of_list [Bunch]
A bunch with all the elements in the list.

parse_benchmark [Smtlib_parser]
parse_logic path parses the SMT-LIB benchmark file at the specified path and returns the attributes of benchmark.
parse_logic [Smtlib_parser]
parse_logic path parses the SMT-LIB logic file at the specified path and returns the attributes of logic.
parse_theory [Smtlib_parser]
parse_theory path parses the SMT-LIB theory file at the specified path and returns the attributes of theory.
partition [Bunch]
partition p b is a pair of bunches (b1, b2) such that b1 contains all elements of b that satisfy predicate b, and b2 contains the rest.
partition_const [Bunch]
partition_const p c b is Bunch.partition (p c) b, only faster since applying closures is slow.
perform [Option]
Perform a command on the value in an option.
plus [Term_constant]
Arithmetic addition.
plus [Symbol.Primitive]
pop [Vec]
pop v removes the last element of v.
pop [Priority_queue]
pop q removes the highest priority from the queue q.
potential [Dl_core.T]
The (negation of) the value assignment to variables in the current model.
pp_compact_print_term [Term]
Pretty-print a term, compactly by defining local lets to avoid repetitiously printing shared sub-terms.
pp_print [Variable]
Print a variable.
pp_print [Symbol]
Pretty print a symbol.
pp_print [Constant]
Print a constant.
pp_print_list [List_util]
Given a function for printing a list element and a function for printing a list element seperater, print a list.
pp_print_term [Term]
Pretty-print a term.
predicate [Smtlib_syntax]
Application of a named predicate to a list of arguments.
prefix [Util.String]
prefix s0 s1 holds if s0 is a prefix of s1.
print [Dl_number.T]
Prints the number.
print_term [Term]
Print a term using std_formatter.
priority [Index.PriorityQueue]
The priority of an element.
promote [Priority_queue]
promote q e reorganizes the priority queue q to take into account the newly raised priority of element e.
proxy_app [Cc_core]
proxy_app s f x returns a proxy y for the application of f to x.
proxy_k [Cc_core]
proxy_k s x returns a proxy a for the constant function evaluating to x.
proxy_u [Cc_core]
proxy_u s a i x returns a proxy b for the update of a at i with x .
push [Vec]
push v x extends the length of the v by 1.

quantification [Smtlib_syntax]
A named quantification over a list of variables.

rational [Smtlib_syntax]
rational r creates a rational constant with value r.
rational [Constant]
Arbitrary precision rational constant.
rational_constant [Term]
Arbitrary precision rational constant.
rational_value [Term]
rational_value t is the value of a rational constant.
rational_value [Constant]
rational_value c is the rational value of c.
reduce [Equality_propagation]
remove [Index.Set]
remove s e removes element e from the set s in constant time.
remove [Index.Map2]
remove m i j removes any value associated with i and j by m.
remove_elt [Bihashtbl.S]
remove_key b y removes any entry that maps to the element e from b.
remove_key [Bihashtbl.S]
remove_key b k removes any entry that maps the key k from b.
remove_sorted_duplicates [List_util]
A list sorted in ascending order according to a comparison function, with duplicate elements removed.
replace [Index.Map]
replace m k x updates m by mapping the index of k to x.
replace [Bihashtbl.S]
replace b k e updates the entries in b so that k is mapped to e.
representative [Union_find.S]
A representative for the class containing the element.
restart [Dpll_core]
Undo all arbitrary variable assignment decisions.
restart [Cc_core]
Backjumps to level 0 if not already there.
rev [Vec]
rev v reverses the order of elements in v.
rev [Subarray]
rev a i j reverses the order of the elements in the range i...
rewrite [Term_logic.Rewriter]
A term transformation.

satisfied [Dpll_core]
Has the solver deduced that the current model is a satisfying assignment for every variable?
scale [Index.PriorityQueue]
scale q x multiplies the priority of every element by the constant factor x.
select [Term_constant]
Array select.
select [Symbol.Primitive]
set [Vec]
set v i x stores x as element i of v.
set [Index.Map2]
set m i j x modifies m by mapping the keys i and j to x.
set_all [Vec]
set_all v i j x stores x in elements i...
set_all [Subarray]
set_all a i j x sets all the elements in the range i...
set_all [Index.Map]
set_all m x updates m by mapping every key to x.
set_conflict_clause [Dpll_core]
set_conflict_clause ls initializes the conflict clause with the disjoined literals.
set_fun [Subarray]
set_fun a i j f sets each element k in the range i...
set_literal [Dpll_core]
Attempt to make a variable assignment inferred by an external agent.
set_literal [Dl_core.T]
Add a literal assertion to the solver.
set_literal [Cc_core]
Make a literal assignment obtained from another solver.
set_literal_explanation [Dpll_core]
set_literal_explanation s ls removes Dpll_core.literal_to_explain from the set of conflict literals using the provided explanation ls.
set_log_formatter [Log]
Set the output destination for messages
set_log_level [Log]
Set current log level
shrink [Vec]
shrink v n shrinks the size of v to n.
since [Time]
since t () is user processor time, in seconds, elapsed since t.
singleton [Bunch]
A singleton bunch.
size [Index.Set]
Cardinality of the set.
size [Index.Map]
size m is the number of indices mapped by m.
size [Bunch]
Number of elements in a bunch.
smtlib_logic_file [Smtlib_parser]
smtlib_logic_file name is the path to the SMT-LIB logic file describing the logic called name.
smtlib_theory_file [Smtlib_parser]
smtlib_theory_file name is the path to the SMT-LIB theory file describing the theory called name.
sort [Vec]
sort c v sorts elements of v in ascending order as defined by the comparison function c.
sort [Subarray]
sort c a i j sorts elements of a in the range i...
stable_sort [Vec]
stable_sort c v sorts elements of v in ascending order as defined by the comparison function c.
stable_sort [Subarray]
stable_sort c a i j sorts elements of a in the range i...
status [Smtlib_attribute]
The status attribute of a collection of attributes.
store [Term_constant]
Array store.
store [Symbol.Primitive]
string_of [Variable]
string representation of a variable.
string_of [Constant]
String representation of a constant.
string_of_symbol [Symbol]
String representation (name) of a symbol.
string_of_term [Term]
String representation of term.
subtract [Dl_number.T]
Numeric subtraction.
swap [Vec]
swap v i j swaps the elements at positions i and j of v.
swap [Subarray]
swap a i j swaps the elements at positions i and j of a.
swap_out [Vec]
swap_out v i replaces the element at position i of v with the last element of v, and decreases the length of v by 1.
symbolic [Constant]
A symbolic constant.
symbolic_constant [Term]
A symbolic constant.
symbolic_value [Term]
symbolic_value t is the value of a symbolic constant.
symbolic_value [Constant]
symbolic_value c is the symbol underlying a symbolic constant.

term_compare [Term]
An arbitrary ordering on terms.
term_equal [Term]
Are two terms equal?
term_hash [Term]
A hash key for the term.
ternary_application [Term]
ternary_application f x y z is equivalent to application (application (application f x) y) z.
ternary_of_bool [Ternary]
Injection of a regular boolean into a ternary boolean.
times [Term_constant]
Arithmetic multiplication.
times [Symbol.Primitive]
to_array [Vec]
to_array v is an array with the elements of v.
to_list [Vec]
to_list v is a list of the elements of v in their positional order.
to_list [Bunch]
A list of all elements in the bunch.
token [Smtlib_lexer]
Match the next token in the lexing buffer.
top [Vec]
top v is the last element of v.
transform [Rational_num]
transform [Ite_removal]
truth [Ternary]
true value.
truth [Term_constant]
Logical true.
truth [Symbol.Primitive]

unary_minus [Term_constant]
Arithmetic unary minus.
unary_minus [Symbol.Primitive]
unary_minus [Dl_number.T]
Numeric unary minus.
uncurry [Function]
Uncurry a function.
uninterpret [Term]
uninterpret p tbl tm replaces "uninterpreted constants", i.e.
union [Union_find.S]
union s x y merges the equivalence classes for x and y.
unknown [Ternary]
unknown value.
unsatisfiable [Dpll_core]
Has the solver deduced that the problem is unsatisfiable?
until [Function]
until p f x applies f repeatedly, starting with x, until the predicate p evaluates to true.
update [Term_constant]
Function update operator.
update [Symbol.Primitive]

v [Dl_number.Integral_value]
value [Option]
The value contained in an option.
variable [Term_literal]
variable l is the variable contained in a literal term.
variable [Term]
A variable.
variable [Smtlib_syntax]
A variable.
variable [Dpll_literal]
variable l is the variable in literal l.
variant [Variable]
variant avoid v is a variable with a name that of v, but not occurring in avoid.

zero [Dl_number.T]
The representation of zero.

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