module Smtlib_syntax:Compound syntactic constructs occurring in SMT-LIB terms and formulas.sig
exception Syntax_error
val declare_constant : string -> string list -> Constant.t
declare_constant c
declares a function symbol.
has not been called before with c
val declare_predicate : string -> string list -> Constant.t
declare_predicate p
declares a predicate symbol.
has not been called before with p
val integer : string -> Constant.t
integer i
is an integer constant with value i.
val rational : string -> Constant.t
rational r
creates a rational constant with value r.
is convertible to a rationalval constant : string -> Constant.t
val variable : string -> Variable.t
val application : string -> Term.term list -> Term.term
val predicate : string -> Term.term list -> Term.term
val connection : string -> Term.term list -> Term.term
val quantification : string -> Variable.t list -> Term.term -> Term.term
val local_let : Variable.t -> Term.term -> Term.term -> Term.term
val local_flet : Variable.t -> Term.term -> Term.term -> Term.term