Functor Union_find.Make

module Make: 
functor (T : Hashtbl.HashedType) -> S with type elem = T.t
Functor building a union-find data structure.
T : Hashtbl.HashedType

type elem 
Type of elements in the union find.
type t 
Type for the union-find data structure.
val create : unit -> t
A new union-find data structure.
val equivalent : t -> elem -> elem -> bool
Are the two elements equivalent?
val union : t -> elem -> elem -> unit
union s x y merges the equivalence classes for x and y.

val representative : t -> elem -> elem
A representative for the class containing the element.

val is_representative : t -> elem -> bool
Is the element the representative for its class?
val members : t -> elem -> elem Bunch.t
members s x is the bunch of all elements in the class of x.

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