Functor Index.Make_priority_queue

module Make_priority_queue: 
functor (I : IndexedType) -> PriorityQueue with type elt = I.t
Functor building an implementation of priority queues for indexed types.
I : IndexedType

type elt 
Type of elements.
type t 
Type of priority queues of elements.
val create : elt -> t
An empty queue.
val length : t -> int
length q is the number of elements in the queue.

val is_empty : t -> bool
is_empty q is true iff there are no elements enqueued in q.

val mem : t -> elt -> bool
mem q e is true iff e is enqueued in q.
val head : t -> elt
head q is the highest priority element of q.

val enqueue : t -> elt -> unit
enqueue q e enqueues the element e. The position of e in q is determined by its priority.

Note: The default priority of elements is 0.0.

val dequeue : t -> elt
dequeue q removes the highest priority element from q.
Returns The element removed.

val drop : t -> unit
drop q removes the highest priority element from q.

val priority : t -> elt -> float
The priority of an element.

Note: The default priority of elements is 0.0.

val inc_priority : t -> elt -> float -> unit
inc_priority q e x adds x to the priority of element e. If e is enqueued, it will move up the queue as necessary.

val scale : t -> float -> unit
scale q x multiplies the priority of every element by the constant factor x. The ordering of elements in the queue is unchanged.

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