Module Cc_literal.Variable_map2

module Variable_map2: Index.Map2 
  with type key0 = Variable.t and type key1 = Variable.t

type key0 
Type of indexed objects, which serve as the first map key.
type key1 
Type of the second map key.
type 'a t 
Maps indexed by a key from key0 and a key from key1.
val create : int -> int -> 'a t
create n m creates a new, empty map. The initial storage allocated is sufficient for n * m entries.
val mem : 'a t -> key0 -> key1 -> bool
mem m i j if m maps the keys i and j to some value.
val find : 'a t -> key0 -> key1 -> 'a
find m i j is the element m maps i and j to.
Raises Not_found if m has no value for the keys i and j.
val set : 'a t -> key0 -> key1 -> 'a -> unit
set m i j x modifies m by mapping the keys i and j to x.

val remove : 'a t -> key0 -> key1 -> unit
remove m i j removes any value associated with i and j by m.

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