Index of class methods

add_clause [Solver_api.solver]
Adds the clause (disjunction of pure Boolean terms) to the solver.
add_clause [Solver_api.dpll]
Adds the clause (disjunction of pure Boolean terms) to the solver.
add_interface_variable [Solver_api.dpll]
add_interface_variables v treats the variable v and its negation as an interface literal.
add_interface_variable [Solver_api.theory]
add_interface_variable v treats the variable v and its negation as an interface literal.

backjump [Solver_api.dpll]
Resolve a conflict by backjumping to undo conflicting assignments from the current partial model.
backjump [Solver_api.theory]
Backjumps to the given level.
backjump_possible [Solver_api.dpll]
Might a backjump be used to resolve a conflict?

conflict_clause [Solver_api.theory]
An explanation for a conflict.
conflict_detected [Solver_api.dpll]
Has the solver deduced that the current (partial) model cannot be (extended to) a satisfying variable assignment?
conflict_detected [Solver_api.theory]
Has a conflict been detected in the current solver state?

decide [Solver_api.dpll]
Makes an arbitrary assignment to an unassigned variable.
decision_level [Solver_api.dpll]
Decision level of the solver.
decision_level [Solver_api.theory]
Decision level of the solver.
decision_possible [Solver_api.dpll]
Might further arbitrary variable assignment decisions be attempted?

final_check [Solver_api.theory]
Check consistency before the solver confirms satisfiability.
forget_some_learned_clauses [Solver_api.dpll]
Forget some clauses learned by the solver though conflict analysis.

get_lemma [Solver_api.theory]
Choose an inferred lemma that has not been dispatched before.
get_lemma_possible [Solver_api.theory]
Is there a lemma that has been inferred, but not dispatched by Solver_api.theory.get_lemma?
get_literal [Solver_api.dpll]
Choose an interface literal assigned true in the current partial model that has not been dispatched since it was assigned.
get_literal [Solver_api.theory]
Choose an inferred literal that has not been dispatched before.
get_literal_possible [Solver_api.dpll]
Is there an interface literal in the current partial model that has not been dispatched by Solver_api.dpll.get_literal since it was assigned?
get_literal_possible [Solver_api.theory]
Is there a literal that has been inferred, but not dispatched by Solver_api.theory.get_literal?

increment_level [Solver_api.theory]
Increment decision_level.
infer [Solver_api.dpll]
Attempt to infer a unit propagation or a conflict.
infer [Solver_api.theory]
Attempt to make inferences from currently assigned literals.
inference_possible [Solver_api.dpll]
Might an inference be made?
inference_possible [Solver_api.theory]
Might an inference be made?
is_interface_literal [Solver_api.dpll]
Is the literal l an interface literal for the solver.
is_interface_literal [Solver_api.theory]
Is the literal l an interface literal for the solver.
is_true [Solver_api.dpll]
Is the literal l assigned true in the solver state?
is_true [Solver_api.theory]
Is the literal l assigned true in the solver state?

level [Solver_api.dpll]
The decision level at which literal l was assigned true.
literal_explanation [Solver_api.theory]
An explanation clause for a literal.
literal_to_explain [Solver_api.dpll]
Returns the next conflict literal to explain for conflict resolution.

num_clauses [Solver_api.dpll]
Number of added clauses that are tracked in current state.
num_conflicts [Solver_api.dpll]
Number of conflicts encountered.
num_decisions [Solver_api.dpll]
Number of arbitrary variable assignment ever tried.
num_externally_set [Solver_api.dpll]
Number of variable assignments ever made by Solver_api.dpll.set_literal.
num_inferences [Solver_api.dpll]
Number of variable assignment ever made by unit propagation.
num_learneds [Solver_api.dpll]
Number of clauses learned through conflict analysis in current state.
num_vars [Solver_api.dpll]
Number of variables created.

owns_constant [Solver_api.dpll]
owns_constant c holds when c is a boolean constant or connective.
owns_constant [Solver_api.theory]
owns_constant t holds when the solver responsible for reasoning about the constant t.

proxy [Solver_api.dpll]
A proxy for a pure boolean term.
proxy [Solver_api.theory]
A proxy for a pure term.

restart [Solver_api.dpll]
Undo all arbitrary variable assignment decisions.
restart [Solver_api.theory]
Backjumps to level 0 if not already there.

satisfied [Solver_api.dpll]
Has the solver deduced that the current model is a satisfying assignment for every variable?
set_conflict_clause [Solver_api.dpll]
set_conflict_clause ls initializes the conflict clause with the disjoined literals.
set_literal [Solver_api.dpll]
set_literal l attempts to make a variable assignment inferred by an external agent.
set_literal [Solver_api.theory]
set_literal l attempts to make a variable assignment inferred by an external agent.
set_literal_explanation [Solver_api.dpll]
set_literal_explanation ls removes Solver_api.dpll.literal_to_explain from the set of conflict literals using the provided explanation ls.
solve [Solver_api.solver]
Determines the satisfiability of the conjunction of clauses added to the solver.

unsatisfiable [Solver_api.dpll]
Has the solver deduced that the problem is unsatisfiable?

variables [Solver_api.dpll]
Set of all variables known to this solver.
variables [Solver_api.theory]
Set of all variables known to this solver.

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