Module Smtlib_parser

module Smtlib_parser: sig .. end
Combined SMT-LIB file parser interface.

A parser for the SMT-LIB syntax as described in The SMT-LIB Standard Version 1.2 (30 August 2006).
type 'a tokenizer = Lexing.lexbuf -> 'a 
Generic tokenizer.
type ('a, 'b) recognizer = 'a tokenizer -> Lexing.lexbuf -> 'b 
Generic parser.
val initialized : unit -> bool
Has the parser been initialized?
val initialize : string ->
'a tokenizer ->
('a, Smtlib_attribute.attribute list) recognizer ->
('a, Smtlib_attribute.attribute list) recognizer ->
('a, Smtlib_attribute.attribute list) recognizer -> unit
initialize smtlib tokenizer theory_parser logic_parser benchmark_parser initializes the combined smtlib file parser.

val smtlib_theory_file : string -> string
smtlib_theory_file name is the path to the SMT-LIB theory file describing the theory called name.

val smtlib_logic_file : string -> string
smtlib_logic_file name is the path to the SMT-LIB logic file describing the logic called name.

val parse_theory : string -> Smtlib_attribute.attribute list
parse_theory path parses the SMT-LIB theory file at the specified path and returns the attributes of theory.

val parse_logic : string -> Smtlib_attribute.attribute list
parse_logic path parses the SMT-LIB logic file at the specified path and returns the attributes of logic.

val parse_benchmark : string -> Smtlib_attribute.attribute list
parse_logic path parses the SMT-LIB benchmark file at the specified path and returns the attributes of benchmark.

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