Functor Bihashtbl.Make

module Make: 
functor (K : Hashtbl.HashedType) ->
functor (E : Hashtbl.HashedType) -> S with type key = K.t and type elt = E.t
Functor building an implementation of the partial bijective hash table structure.
K : Hashtbl.HashedType
E : Hashtbl.HashedType

type key 
Keys in the domain.
type elt 
Elements in the range.
type t 
Partial bijective hash tables from Bihashtbl.S.key to Bihashtbl.S.elt.
val length : t -> int
Number of entries in a bijective hash table.
val create : int -> t
create n is a new, empty bijective hash table with capacity for n entries.

val clear : t -> unit
Remove all entries from a hash table.
val copy : t -> t
A copy of the given hash table.
val mem : t -> key -> bool
mem b k holds when there is an entry for k in b.
val mem_inv : t -> elt -> bool
mem_inv b e holds when an entry in b maps some key to e.
val add : t -> key -> elt -> unit
add b k e adds an entry mapping k to e to b.

val find : t -> key -> elt
find b k is the element to which k is mapped by b.
Raises Not_found if not (Bihashtbl.S.mem b k)
val find_inv : t -> elt -> key
find_inv b e is the key that b maps to e.
Raises Not_found if not (Bihashtbl.S.mem_inv b e)
val remove_key : t -> key -> unit
remove_key b k removes any entry that maps the key k from b.

val remove_elt : t -> elt -> unit
remove_key b y removes any entry that maps to the element e from b.

val replace : t -> key -> elt -> unit
replace b k e updates the entries in b so that k is mapped to e. This is functionally equivalent to Bihashtbl.S.remove_key b k followed by Bihashtbl.S.add b k e.

val iter : (key -> elt -> unit) -> t -> unit
iter c t applies c to every entry in b. Applications are made in increasing order with respect Bihashtbl.S.key.
val fold : (key -> elt -> 'a -> 'a) -> t -> 'a -> 'a
fold f b a is (f kN eN ... (f k1 e1 a) ... ), where b is a collection of entries {(k1,e1) ... (kN,eN)} ordered with respect to Bihashtbl.S.key.

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